
 19 July 

I was shown how to dilate by a beautiful nurse that had her GRS surgery with Dr Sanguan several years ago.  It was really special spending time with her, asking about her healing and what sort of recommendations she might have.

The process initially involves inserting the dilators in and holding them there for several minutes each, starting with the narrowest and working up to the thickest.  I was able to fit the thickest in to the full depth at the outset, which was fantastic.  The process takes about 40 mins.

The routine is three times a day for at least three months, and then twice a day up to six months.  I did my morning dilation at 6am, I am fortunate that I work from home so could stop for lunch and dilate then, and did my final dilation at night before bed.  

The routine is like this:

Clean and sanitise the dilators with alcohol wipes
Fill a container with water and 1/2 cap dettol
Insert dilators #1 to  #6 in and hold in for 5 mins each
Douche with the water/dettol mix to remove any loose or sloughed off skin x 5
Wash down the vulva with the water dettol mix (use boiled and cooled water)
Suck out water using the douche
Apply silicone cream on vulva scars

Over the following weeks I stopped using dettol and then stopped douching, although I douched whilst in the shower in the morning for 4 months to give her a good wash out.

I have not had any pain while dilating, and find it a good space to relax, take some time out for me and watch Netflix or just meditate. I have heard from other women that have had their GRS elsewhere that their dilation is painful and takes a long time to get the dilator in.  I sincerely believe that Dr Sanguan's technique, the 2 stage process and his skill have contributed to my easy healing and successful dilation progress.  

The nurse that showed me how to dilate

The dilators and other equipment needed - everything was provided

The six resin dilators are of increasing girth.  I started at 5.5" depth and now, 5 months later can fit 6.5" my aim is to fit the entire thing in!

I bought a plastic container when over there with a secure lid that could fit all the dilators, mirror, wipes, lube and tissues in it, and it doubles as a container to wash the dilators after use (I just use a few drops of dishwashing liquid and hot water).  It's been really handy to take everything with me if staying overnight somewhere.

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