Final Check Up and Documentation

 25 July

Today was my final check up and sign off from Dr Sanguan. His nurse photographed my breasts from different angles and then I lay on a bed while Dr Sanguan and a colleague conducted an internal and external inspection.  Everything had taken well, he didn't have any concerns and was very happy with my result and how it had healed so far.

I was given documentation, including comprehensive medical records detailing what procedures I had been through, all the medications I had taken, my vital signs and test results and then handed me a detailed receipt for services that itemised all the costs involved in my stay.  I also received full details, serial numbers and specifications of the breast implants.  Finally I received a medical certificate that confirmed my medical gender change (needed in some countries).

I was impressed!  

Cleared to be discharged I managed to get a picture with Dr Sanguan and then was taken down to the pharmacy where I received paracetamol, silicone gel, laxative pills, gauze, alcohol pads and other supplies.

Nuya and Fran - I was so fortunate to have these lovely ladies there for me

Us three

Dr Sanguan and I

Part of my medical certificate

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