Consultation and Face to Face meeting with Dr Sanguan

5 July 2022

My consultation with Dr Sanguan was booked for 11am 5 July, the taxi collected us at the arranged time and we were at Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute with plenty of time to spare.

I was welcomed warmly at reception and given some forms to fill in, followed by an EKG test, full Covid test, XRay, blood pressure, blood draw and weight / height measurements. 

Next was the meeting with Dr Sanguan.  He explained the procedure, timing, and confirmed my wishes and what I wanted to achieve.  The plan was to have his version of the Penile Inversion technique where the scrotal skin is used to create the vaginal canal and the penile skin forms the vulva. The goal is to produce a depth of at least 5" but that depends on how much skin I have to work with.

Then I went into a side room where I undressed and my chest was photographed from different angles whilst standing against a wall.  Dr Sanguan pinched and prodded my skin and I tried on some implants in a bra to determine my cup size.  He was concerned that my skin was very tight and thick and said that he probably couldn't go to the size I wanted, which was 450cc, that would produce around an E cup, which on my frame would be reasonable.  

I then lay on a bed and he inspected my genitals, and it was then that he said I did not have enough scrotal skin to achieve any depth past 3 - 4".  He pinched my abdomen skin and thigh skin and said that I would need a skin graft and this could come from my upper thighs.  I was not overly happy with this but had suspected all along that I wouldn't have enough scrotal skin due to things shrinking down there over the past years of HRT. 

Breast implant discussion

After that we went back to his desk, he showed me the different breast implant shapes and agreed that a teardrop with a wide base would be the best for me.  He would go as big as he can but said it wouldn't be any larger than 400cc. We then discussed the skin graft, his technique is to make an oval shaped cut and to join the sides, basically a thigh lift. 

I also intended to get a trachea shave (Adam's apple), Dr Sanguan didn't believe I needed it and was concerned that I could harm my vocal chords.  Given that I now needed to pay extra for the skin graft it was easy to agree with him and take that off the list of things to do.

I had some specific questions about how my genitals were re-purposed and moved and Dr Sanguan did a drawing to show what went where.  It was really nice to spend time with him and no questions were bad questions.

Explaining how my vulva would be made

After that I paid for the surgery and hospital stay - this was done using a credit card, which I had deposited funds into and I was admitted to the ward.

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